
The Los Angeles Poet Society (LAPS) was founded in the spring of 2010 with a mission to create a bridge. It aims to fuse communities of Los Angeles and Southern California Poets, poetry organizations, Writer’s groups, booksellers, publishers, literary enthusiasts and supporters into a unified social and literary network.

The focal point of LAPS is to network and publicize the events and achievements of its members. LAPS also organizes and promotes events, pulling from within its own community, to create and sustain Los Angeles’ literary anchor.

LAPS is entirely non-profit and is maintained by the good will of its members and supporters. And being a non-profit community organization, funding is raised from and through its network, friends and members. Hence, it really needs financial assistance to continue its work as a vital vein of creativeness to Literary in Los Angeles. It’s truly important! We desire to unite folks and link the creative groups together and focus the eyes on how the art grows lively!

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